The work that has been carried out by the DYLAN research partners was organised in four research work packages (WPs) with two further WPs for training and management. The first three research WPs concentrated on three different terrains, namely Companies, EU institutions, and Educational systems, each broken in three to six research tasks carried out by individual teams. The fourth research WP has been organised in a slightly different way and addressed the three transversal issues, namely “efficiency and fairness”, “forms of multilingualism in European history” and “emerging varieties”, and respectively carried out by a different research team interacting with all three terrains.
There were continuous horizontal exchange between the different terrains as well as constant interactions between the transversal issues and the different terrains. Training and management surrounded the research WPs, facilitating efficient work flow and translation of the research efforts in training.
There were continuous horizontal exchange between the different terrains as well as constant interactions between the transversal issues and the different terrains. Training and management surrounded the research WPs, facilitating efficient work flow and translation of the research efforts in training.