Working Papers 2
In June 2008, every work package delivered a Working Paper to summarise its progress so far and to define the next steps. The abstracts of each research task are published here.
If you are interested in further details, please use the contact link to contact the work package manager for further information.
WorkPackage 1: Analysing a first set of multilingual interactions in the different companies, investigating language policies and language strategies at national, international level and at firm level, describing representations of different actors in and out of business context.
Analysing a first set of internal interactions in different EU institutions and external interactions in the context of these institutions, examining language policies at institutional, national and supra-national level, so that elaboration processes of institutional language policies, analysing representations of different types of actors in and out of theses EU institutions.
Analysing a first set of multilingual learning practices at secondary and university level in the concerned institutions, examining language policies and strategies at national and institutional level, investigating representations by different actors on multilingualism and on multilingual education and examining connotations of immigrant languages.
Revisiting in a critical way the formal concepts of efficiency and fairness as developed in policy analysis; identifying the analytical and empirical implications of their application to language issues in general, and to multilingual communication in particular; checking the compatibility of the resulting constructs with other discipline-specific notions of efficiency and fairness (both formal and informal). Analysing in particular the way in which efficiency and fairness in multilingual communication can be improved through appropriate language policies.